The Eco-Minded Mama Podcast

Revealing What Season 3 Will Be About, and taking a break!

June 17, 2022 Katie Season 2 Episode 15
Revealing What Season 3 Will Be About, and taking a break!
The Eco-Minded Mama Podcast
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The Eco-Minded Mama Podcast
Revealing What Season 3 Will Be About, and taking a break!
Jun 17, 2022 Season 2 Episode 15

Send Katie a Text Message sharing questions or encouragement about the show! :)

Hey friends! We are wrapping up Season 2 on how to become more Conscious Consumers and taking a break for a bit... but we'll be back with an exciting Season 3 and a topic that often stirs up some controversy... ;)

My goal is to handle this next series topic with as much respect, understanding, and compassion as possible! Curious?? Listen here to find out more!

I also invite you to share YOUR feedback with me! What do you think of these ideas? What would you like to hear more? What questions might you have? Feel free to share your brilliance with me anytime; I've linked my contact info below!

If you want to be part of the next series as I record these conversations over the summer, and you'll get to have exclusive Q&As with each amazing guest, join our Patreon community here

This show is brought to you by listener support, and I'm sending a huge shout-out to these $5+ patrons for making it happen: Elizabeth R, Nancy K, Sarah W, Jodi S, Julia B, Liliana S, Karyn W, Linda M, Detlef K, and Kelly K!
To become a patron and receive all the perks of this community, visit and join for as low as $3/month!
To learn more with your host and Eco-Living Coach, Katie Kurpanek, visit for blog posts and personalized coaching info!

Support the Show.

Ready for more guidance right now?? Visit to download your free guide to help you save $2,000 hiding in your kitchen, plus a bunch of other resources!

Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @ecomindedmama

Show Notes Transcript

Send Katie a Text Message sharing questions or encouragement about the show! :)

Hey friends! We are wrapping up Season 2 on how to become more Conscious Consumers and taking a break for a bit... but we'll be back with an exciting Season 3 and a topic that often stirs up some controversy... ;)

My goal is to handle this next series topic with as much respect, understanding, and compassion as possible! Curious?? Listen here to find out more!

I also invite you to share YOUR feedback with me! What do you think of these ideas? What would you like to hear more? What questions might you have? Feel free to share your brilliance with me anytime; I've linked my contact info below!

If you want to be part of the next series as I record these conversations over the summer, and you'll get to have exclusive Q&As with each amazing guest, join our Patreon community here

This show is brought to you by listener support, and I'm sending a huge shout-out to these $5+ patrons for making it happen: Elizabeth R, Nancy K, Sarah W, Jodi S, Julia B, Liliana S, Karyn W, Linda M, Detlef K, and Kelly K!
To become a patron and receive all the perks of this community, visit and join for as low as $3/month!
To learn more with your host and Eco-Living Coach, Katie Kurpanek, visit for blog posts and personalized coaching info!

Support the Show.

Ready for more guidance right now?? Visit to download your free guide to help you save $2,000 hiding in your kitchen, plus a bunch of other resources!

Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @ecomindedmama

Katie Kurpanek:

You're listening to all things sustainable, where we unpack topics related to sustainable living, as well as how to apply specific actions to your own life. I'm your eco living coach, and podcast host, Katie Kurpanek. Let's jump in. Hello, everybody. Thank you so much for joining today's episode. It is the final episode in Season Two of this podcast. And I cannot believe how quickly time has just flown by. Today I'm wrapping up with just me just speaking to you a little bit about my thoughts recapping season two and then giving you our direction for season three. First of all, I am so thankful for your consistent support, whether you're just joining and listening to this episode, or you've been a longtime listener, or if you have become a patron of the show and financially supporting... your support makes this show possible. It's always fun to check in on the stats of this podcast, and just see where people are tuning in from. And now throughout season two, we've grown in our listener range. So we mostly have people tuning in from the United States. But we also have a lot of people tuning in from Jamaica and Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada, Taiwan, and a whole bunch of various cities around the world. So if that is you, hello, hello, I'm so happy that you're here and that you are joining from all across the world. Even knowing that one listener is being inspired or motivated or encouraged in some capacity with this podcast fully makes my day and continues to motivate me to do this more often. So thank you, thank you, thank you. Season two has been all about how to become more conscious consumers. Obviously, chances are, if you are tuning into a podcast called all things sustainable, you are already a conscious consumer to some degree. And I really wanted to provide you with a whole bunch of resources, thinking through how our economy has become a very linear economy, which follows like the take, make use and dispose model of resources. So taking from the earth, making something of it using these resources, and then just disposing of them. That model that linear economy in itself is not sustainable. Obviously, we are seeing the whole earth filling up with the result of this wasteful system. And it definitely needs to change and go back to what we had before. And what many countries around the world still are doing today, which is a more circular economy, where you know, again, we take resources, we make something with it, but then we reuse those resources, we repair them when they're not working quite right, we repurpose, we recycle, we do as much as we can to prolong the lifecycle of that resource. And then finally, at the end of its life, ideally, we would want these resources to be made from something that can then be you know, melted down or recycled or composted and, and put back into ground zero to start all over again. Ideally, we could live in a world where most if not all of what we use is not wasted. I know that this comes across as very idealist very optimistic at this point in life. But we've done it before we can do it again. And it all depends on all of us coming together using our voices using our actions living out what we want to see being the change that we want to see. So anyway, with all of that being said, being a more conscious consumer can take a whole bunch of different forms. A lot of times it's having to do with like, being thoughtful about where you are purchasing from. So in this season, so far, we have had episodes with people like Akua Yamoah Opoku, who started a database that lets you quickly access bipoc owned businesses, businesses that are owned by black, indigenous and people of color, so that you can support them you can put your money where your mouth is when you want to support those who are most often marginalized. And we talked a lot about her database. We talked about how the Black Lives Matter resurgence has been fueling the creation of that. We also had an episode with five business owners who are all women and we talked about how you can truly shop with a Zero Shame Zero Waste mentality doing the best that you can and all five of these businesses give you the opportunity to shop more sustainably. Another similar episode we talked with Maddie Gawler, who is the creator of eco alternatives, and she discusses where you can find sustainable alternatives to just about any product that you could think of that you want to buy. You can find them locally within Colorado or globally. She's expanded her business to include businesses all around the world. We also spoke with Rachel Kois, who is the CEO and creator of Simple Switch, which is an online shopping platform. If you think like Amazon, you know, you can type in whatever it is that you're looking for. And they have a whole variety of things. They have 1000s of products, but every single one of these has a sustainable and or ethical impact on the earth. And she also talks a lot about how shopping online can often be better for the earth than even shopping in person if you do it the right way. So that episode was super interesting. We also talked with professional organizer Claudia Winkler, about you know, when you're decluttering, how are you doing this responsibly in a way that allows you to continue being a conscious consumer because you've thought about what you bring into your life, but now you're thinking about how to pass it on or dispose of it correctly. She takes her work to a really deep level and talks a lot about how often in the process of decluttering, you end up finding yourself. And this episode in particular has been really really popular. It has tons of downloads so far. Understandably, it is a great episode. We also spoke with a Professional Thrifter. She's a personal Thrifter who can help you style your wardrobe and do it all sustainably: Ugochi Nwaneri, from Thrift 'n Prosper, and she teaches you how to thrift like a pro giving a lot of really great tips and tricks, and then also talking about how to work with her. So if you are into thrifting, or shopping secondhand, that's a really great episode for you to check out. And then last but not least, we have wrapped up Season Two with the previous episode with Jess Lybeck, who is the CEO and founder or co founder of Remark, and also a browser extension that I am not going to say the title of here because the last episode was labeled as explicit -- but it is just a really fun snarky name, you can go back and check that one out if you missed it. But anyway, she has created two tools that allow you to use your voice because as conscious consumers, there are honestly just things that we cannot change alone. And we don't have control over everything in our lives. And really like she points out, we as individuals can't make all the change that's necessary. We need to do things together, we need to do them systematically. We need politics and legislation involved. We need huge businesses and corporations to wake up and to change their practices. So anyway, her two tools that she's created, again, there's an app and a browser extension allows you to use your voice to provide really, really quick feedback like you know, 30 seconds or less, so that you can be a part of propelling change, even if you can't necessarily change that one thing on your own. So there you go, there's a brief recap of season two, every single one of those episodes was so amazing and fun to record, I loved all of our guest speakers. And if you've missed any of them, definitely go back and give them a listen. Now we are going to be moving on to season three, I'm taking a little bit of a break so that I can prep for the season properly. And it will be launching later in the summer. So this year is 2022. So hopefully, you know end of July or so maybe August we will be launching that season. But we're going to be talking about veganism in season three. Now before you just turn off this episode and move right on with your life, just know that I am working really, really hard to address this topic in a way that is full of respect and understanding and compassion as much as possible. I really want to tackle what does veganism truly stand for? Does it actually solve or reverse a lot of the climate change issues that we're encountering? Is it lacking in nutrition? Is it right for everybody, and so on? These are the types of questions that I'm already bringing into my preparation. And if you have any specific questions or thoughts or defenses against veganism, like really anything you want to bring to the table, please feel free to send them my way, you can contact me with any of the info in the episode description. I am currently working to gather a variety of experts with diverse backgrounds and connections to being vegan. And I really want to bring you the answers to the questions that you may or may not have felt comfortable or been able to ask so far. The goal of this series is really not to like preach at you or you know, shove veganism down your throat by any means. I just feel like this is a topic that can often be really misunderstood. There's a lot of misinformation out there about it. I think a lot of people have had bad experiences with vegans who have kind of shut them down in conversation. And I think that we should be able to talk really openly about why we eat what we eat, and consider the impacts of all of that. So anyway, this is what I'm working on currently, I am spending my summer prepping for these conversations. I am reading a bunch of books, I am watching documentaries, I am speaking with a lot of people, it's gonna be fantastic. If you want to be a part of engaging in all of this, like being a part of these conversations actually live with the guest speakers and being able to have like exclusive Q&As with them-- I have some really awesome people coming into this podcast series. A lot of them are authors and activists, some are doctors, some are executive producers of documentaries-- If you want to join any of these conversations, Join my Patreon community, you can find the link in the episode description. It's also just And you can join for as low as$3 a month just helping a little bit with some financial support to keep this podcast going. But you will benefit from a ton of perks as being a patron. So anyway, my patrons will get a chance to be part of all of this over the summer, they'll have early access to the full episodes, including video. So hopefully I will see you over there throughout the summer. And then also in the meantime, I am building a digital database of a bunch of resources that I'm hoping to have available for purchase and download by the fall on my website that minimal I want to be able to provide you all a bunch of video courses, hopefully an ebook later in the fall as well as some digital PDF guides to living sustainably. So this is all part of the work that I do as a coach. And I'm basically taking a lot of the workshops and events that I've done in person or the one on one consulting that I've done with people and I'm just trying to simplify them and provide you with some tangible resources that you can then go through at your own pace. So stay tuned to hear more information about that. And hopefully they will be or at least some of them will be available on my website later in the fall. Okay, that's it for this wrap up. Thank you so much for joining any part of season two. I really look forward to continuing to inspire you and encourage you and be part of this journey with you in season three. Have a wonderful, wonderful day.