The Eco-Minded Mama Podcast

Where Are We Going? Direction, Hopes & Dreams

March 18, 2022 Katie Season 2 Episode 7
Where Are We Going? Direction, Hopes & Dreams
The Eco-Minded Mama Podcast
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The Eco-Minded Mama Podcast
Where Are We Going? Direction, Hopes & Dreams
Mar 18, 2022 Season 2 Episode 7

Send Katie a Message with Your Questions/Thoughts! :)

We're back! Welcome to Season 2 of the All Things Sustainable podcast!!
In this episode, I'm sharing the general direction we're headed with the rest of this podcast, now that we've set up a solid foundation in Season 1 outlining the big-picture impacts living sustainably can have on the planet, your physical health, mental health, financial well-being, community / social justice, and your sense of authenticity within relationships.

So, we've covered the WHY behind living sustainably, now let's dive deeper into HOW this can be applied within all aspects of your own life... Starting with this season on becoming a more Conscious Consumer!

I invite you to listen to my hopes and dreams for our growing podcast community, and to share YOUR feedback with me! What do you think of these ideas? What would you like to hear more? What questions might you have? Feel free to share your brilliance with me anytime, I've linked my contact info below! 

This show is brought to you by listener support, and I'm sending a huge shout-out to these $5+ patrons for making it happen: Elizabeth R, Nancy K, Sarah W, Jodi S, Julia B, Liliana S, Karyn W, Linda M, Detlef K, and Kelly K!
To become a patron and receive all the perks of this community, visit and join for as low as $3/month!
To learn more with your host and Eco-Living Coach, Katie Kurpanek, visit for blog posts and personalized coaching info!

Support the show

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to the show so you never miss an episode and follow us on Instagram & TikTok @ecomindedmama to stay connected! ✨

Show Notes Transcript

Send Katie a Message with Your Questions/Thoughts! :)

We're back! Welcome to Season 2 of the All Things Sustainable podcast!!
In this episode, I'm sharing the general direction we're headed with the rest of this podcast, now that we've set up a solid foundation in Season 1 outlining the big-picture impacts living sustainably can have on the planet, your physical health, mental health, financial well-being, community / social justice, and your sense of authenticity within relationships.

So, we've covered the WHY behind living sustainably, now let's dive deeper into HOW this can be applied within all aspects of your own life... Starting with this season on becoming a more Conscious Consumer!

I invite you to listen to my hopes and dreams for our growing podcast community, and to share YOUR feedback with me! What do you think of these ideas? What would you like to hear more? What questions might you have? Feel free to share your brilliance with me anytime, I've linked my contact info below! 

This show is brought to you by listener support, and I'm sending a huge shout-out to these $5+ patrons for making it happen: Elizabeth R, Nancy K, Sarah W, Jodi S, Julia B, Liliana S, Karyn W, Linda M, Detlef K, and Kelly K!
To become a patron and receive all the perks of this community, visit and join for as low as $3/month!
To learn more with your host and Eco-Living Coach, Katie Kurpanek, visit for blog posts and personalized coaching info!

Support the show

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to the show so you never miss an episode and follow us on Instagram & TikTok @ecomindedmama to stay connected! ✨

Katie Kurpanek:

You're listening to all things sustainable, where we unpack topics related to sustainable living, as well as how to apply specific actions to your own life. I'm your eco living coach and podcast host Katie Kurpanek. Let's jump in. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Season Two of the All Things sustainable podcast. I am stoked to begin a brand new season with you all. And I am just absolutely thrilled and greatly appreciative of all of your support. So far, as of this recording date. We're just two months in since the official launch of the podcast and we have over 150 downloads we have people tuning in from all over the world we have the majority of listeners from the United States, but we also have people tuning in from Jamaica, France, Lebanon, and more. So if that's you and you are listening in today, Hello, I am so happy that you're here with us. Within the US itself, we have listeners coming from all over different states and I am just blown away by the amount of people tuning in. So thank you every single download every single word of encouragement or feedback that you're sending my way is so appreciated. I do read them all and I love hearing your thoughts and whatever it is that you have to share with me so please keep that up. It seriously means the world of course I'm going to give a giant shout out to my patrons Liz Nancy, Sarah Gordon, Jody, Julia, Liliana, Jennifer, Karen, Linda Detlef Kelly, you all are making this podcast actually possible with your financial support. And it really helps a lot. I cannot even explain the amount of hours that go into each episode and the making of all of this, and I enjoy every single minute, but your financial support is absolutely invaluable. So thank you so so much. Okay, a brief recap of the pilot seasons season one where we really set the foundation for what does sustainable living even mean? Why is it important, we covered the five biggest impacts that living sustainably can have, in my personal opinion, we talked about the big picture impacts on the climate, your physical health, your mental health, your financial savings, your sense of community. And then a bonus episode that I totally had to throw in there kind of just tying everything together was the fact that like, your authentic sense of self can really shine through in sustainable ways, and sustainable meaning both within like an eco friendly sense of that word. And also just like an ability to maintain, you know, sustain your sense of authenticity within relationships. So if you missed any one of those episodes, if any of those topics kind of have grasped your attention, then just go ahead and go back. Listen to those first. And now here we are, we're moving on into season two. Now that we've set a well rounded foundation for the podcast and kind of covered the big why behind living sustainably, your why your goals may resonate with one or more of those episodes. But now it's really time to dive into the how of all of this, how do we live sustainably in a way that is actually functional within your life? I've said it a million times I'll say it again living sustainably is different for every single person. It is not a one size fits all kind of deal. So the goal of this podcast and the direction we're moving forward with is really talking about how do we live sustainably in a way that encompasses a vast variety of options, and tangible steps that you can take. I have so many topics that I want to dive into I have got an ever growing bank of ideas for future seasons and people that I want to talk to some of those examples include like travel, and how do you do that sustainably? What are carbon offsets? What about public transportation? You know, things like that I want to talk about nutrition and diet I want to look at plant based eating versus not what are the effects on like the climate and your well being I would love to have an entire season focused on like eco minded parenting because oh my gosh, when you have a kid that changes a lot of your life and a lot of your habits. So that's a huge thing that I'm constantly working through. I would love to talk about sustainable body care skincare, what is fast fashion versus slow fashion. I want to talk about recycling because that is a huge, huge issue within the United States we do not know more often than not how to properly recycle. So that is definitely a big topic coming down the pipeline. Anyway, I've got a billion things that I cannot wait to bring to you. But I have to pace myself. And remember we can only take one season at a time each season is totally going to depend in its length on what the topic is. And we may even circle back to a few topics more than once depending on like who we're talking to, and if we can cover it from different angles. Anyway, moving forward into Season Two we are going to be covering conscious consumption. My goal is to bring you as many ideas and as much education and inspiration as possible from true experts within the realm of sustainability. And in particular, within this season, I want to help you to become the most eco minded conscious consumer that you can be because like we mentioned a lot in season one, our choices as individuals, and where we decide to put our money, we vote with our dollar, our voices really make an impact, because it's not just one individual. It's not just you or me, it's all of us coming together and demanding change with our actions and our purchases. So within this season, and any future seasons coming down the road, you can expect each topic to be broken down into digestible information. And you can expect to come away with tangible actionable steps for you to apply within your own life if they work. And if not, then throw them out. Just take what feels meaningful and doable to you, considering you as the listener, and your backgrounds, your accessibility to resources, your privilege, your representation within communities. All of this is a top priority for me and I'm constantly educating myself from diverse sources. So please feel free to join me in this journey and send any resources my way that you feel I would benefit from learning from or sharing about that would totally make my day and I will always be sharing with you who I'm learning from as well. My first official interview of season two is scheduled to release next on March 26. That's a Saturday and it's my sister's birthday. Hi, Happy birthday. So be on the lookout for that. And don't Jay. forget to subscribe so that you never miss an episode. Stick with me. I'll be right back after this quick break, and I'm going to be sharing with you some future hopes and dreams that I have for this podcast. Hey, just wanted to jump in real quick to talk about Patreon. Patreon is an online platform that allows you to become a patron of the arts, so to speak, a financial supporter of the creators who enrich your life with their content. Thanks to the generous support of my patrons starting as low as just$3 a month, I'm able to continue empowering individuals like yourself through these educational chats with various experts across the spectrum of sustainable living. As a patron of this podcast, you will have the privilege of joining the discussions with guest speakers via zoom and taking part in the exclusive q&a As with them, too. If you can't make the actual interview live, that's okay, you'll have access to the full recorded episode early before anybody else gets a chance to hear it. You also receive the added bonus of personal shout outs in podcast episodes, and other behind the scenes content sent your way. Plus, you'll receive unique discounts to more than a dozen sustainable businesses that have partnered with me so that you can save money and the earth while you shop. If any of the content that I create adds value to your life, or the perks alone have piqued your interest, check out to join our community and become a patron today. Thank you so much for your support of this journey to minimize our carbon footprint while maximizing our positive impact on this planet we call home. Okay, let's get back to our show. Okay, now that you have sort of an idea of the vision that I have for the future of this podcast, I also want to expand that a bit more. And just throw out some random hopes and dreams that I have just really rough ideas for this podcast and our growing community. So that you know, they can just be out there, I want them to manifest in the universe. I want to speak these things into existence. And ultimately, I want to hold myself accountable to making these happen. I would love to hear from you. If any of these ideas sound interesting or not, do you have any ideas that you would love to share and see from this podcast and our community? So here we go. One idea that I have is eventually I would love to take the time to devote to a book club of some kind. I would love to have you listeners joining me in my continuous journey of learning and growing. And if we could read the same book together, and then maybe have like a monthly zoom chat about it, possibly talk with the author. I'm not sure how realistic that is, depending on what books we're reading. But hey, let's just throw it out there and see what happens. I'm really hoping to get back into the rhythm of creating more coaching workshops. Besides this podcast. I am a coach with my business that minimal life, and I coach individuals in how to live sustainably but I would love to bring more virtual or in person workshops to you and perhaps I can share about those on these episodes and just keep you posted if I can really get into a rhythm of doing them monthly or BI monthly, something like that. I'm hoping to create some more bonus episodes that are just exclusively Q and A's questions coming from you listeners not just me. That is one of the perks of being a patron of this show is being able to join these zoom calls live and then have a q&a with the speaker at the end. So if I could get those portions recorded and edited and just send them out as a bonus Episode, let me know if that sounds interesting to you. Or if you have any questions that you would love to send future guest speakers sharing with me, and I'll put them into a bank and see if I can make that happen. And then finally, just a business logistical goal of mine is that I know I'm needing to hire some kind of an intern or social media like person one day to take care of a lot of the social media aspects of this podcast. It is a lot to keep up with, on top of the work of just creating the podcast itself and my coaching and full time parenting. So I'm not really sure when I'm going to be able to make that happen, but I'm speaking it out there. And if you happen to have any ideas that you would love to throw my way, please do that. I'd be happy to hear from you. So what else? What would you love to see or hear from this podcast and community? I would love to hear from you and ponder your ideas and then make them happen if possible. Okay, so that's it for your season two kind of introduction. Again, be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes. They are currently released every two weeks. Hopefully, eventually, I'll get to every week. And sometimes we do throw in a bonus episode in there. Right now if you're ready to just dive into your sustainable journey, and these podcast episodes are not enough, you need more resources, feel free to check out my business's website, which is that minimal And that's linked in the episode description, you will find a bunch of blog posts and other resources to help you get started or continue your journey. And you'll also find more information about my own coaching services which are available to individuals and groups. As you heard about a few moments ago, I have a Patreon platform available for those of you who are looking for even more awesome perks if you would like to support the work that I do. And then finally all my contact information is also linked in the episode description. I'm most active on Instagram. So you could follow me over My heart is so full, I am so thankful for you all for your listening, your participation in the sustainable journey. Thank you for every single sustainable choice that you are making and simply showing up for yourself every day. We need you we need each other especially right now with the state of the world that we are in. We need community more than ever and we need encouragement and we need something positive and hopeful to look forward to so there is power in numbers. Let's come together. I love you all. I'm in this with you and I will catch you on the next official episode of season two